
Beaconsfield Advisory Centre provides information, help and advice, administered in confidence by trained staff.
A Transport Scheme also exists to meet the practical needs of the elderly and infirm living within the HP9 postcode boundary with transport to medical appointments. There is no charge but donations towards expenses are always welcome. We are currently in need of more volunteer drivers to help with this service.
Legal Advisors are on hand.
If you would like to make use of our services, for which there is no charge, you can find us At the following times and venues :
Monday 10 – 12 amThe Blue Cottage, 18 Aylesbury End, Beaconsfield HP9 1LW
Tuesday  10 – 12 amDove Café, St Thomas’ Church, Mayflower Way, Holtspur HP91UF
Wednesday 10 – 12am    The Blue Cottage, Aylesbury End
Thursday    10 – 12 am      The Blue Cottage, Aylesbury End
Friday Closed    
Or telephone : 01494 672987 to make an appointment or leave a message.



Added 5th March

South Bucks u3a

We meet in Beaconsfield at the Beacon Centre, Holtspur Way, Holtspur, HP9 1RJ  on the 3 rd Tuesday of the month at 2pm for a General meeting to which you are

In addition to this, we have many small interest groups meeting at different times and catering for every kind of interest – intellectual, physical, artistic – you name it, we do it! The only requirement for joining us is that you should be “not in full-time work”.

At our General Meeting on March 18 th , Rena Hume will be speaking on : Fulmer and the Great Wall of China.

Rena is a graduate of the Glasgow School of Art and an authority on Charles Rennie Mackintosh, who now lives locally.

Beginning in Fulmer, she will take us through the career of a pioneer in music recording, an extraordinary business man who took a new invention around the
world becoming an authority on rhododendrons and Chinese porcelain along the way and bringing home a piece of the Great Wall of China.

Members of the Walking Group on a glorious day in the Chilterns.