Cost to Advertise your business or event



If your non profit or charitable event is submitted solely to the webpage of the village/town in which the event is taking place there is no charge.


Type of submission

Cost £
This column relates to submissions to the village webpages other than the one in which the event is occuring

Charitable event with free entry to the public. Charity Number required.


Charitable event with entry fee to the public. Charity Number required

What ever the cost of admission is for one adult, or £5 whatever is the least, per village webpage

 Non profit event, no charity status

Whatever the cost of admission is for one adult, or £10, whatever is the least, per village webpage

Any other event at Editor's discretion £15 per village webpage


Free Entry Fundraiser for charity (supplying charity number) taking place in village A but adverts wanted in villages BCD and E Cost = £0


Fundraiser with entry fee of £3 for a charity (supplying charity number) taking place in village A but adverts wanted in village BC and D Cost = £9


Fundraiser with entry fee of £12 taking place in village A but adverts wanted in village BC and D Cost = £30

Art exhibition taking place in village A but adverts wanted in village B and C Cost = £30


Dance class in village A hall only, £15



Commercial Adverts

 Number of village pages per week . Ad will stay in place for 4 weeks as it moves down the page

Cost £



NB. Information stays on the web pages for 4 weeks. Each week the new info gets added to the top and the previous week's news gets pushed down. So effectively your ad will be visible for a month. If you want it at the top every week then it will cost more.

eg, 1 week = £30 and this will be visible for 4 weeks but will slowly make its way down the page.

4 weeks at the top, = £100.



Page Sponsorship

Option 1
Every week your website linked logo and a strapline will be nestled within the week's notices. Your logo will be up to 150 pixels wide and high and have a single sentence description. The cost for this is £150 per year. Size example below, susbtitute your logo and words.

What's happening in your village this week?




Option 2
The banner may be 800 pixels wide by 250 pixels and may be changed as often as you like. It will still be linked to your website. The cost for this is a further £400 per year. Size example below, susbtitute your logo and words.



Further in formation or clarification please contact the editor


Type of submission

Cost £
This column relates to submissions to the village webpages other than the one in which the event is occuring

Charitable event with free entry to the public. Charity Number required.


Charitable event with entry fee to the public. Charity Number required

What ever the cost of admission is for one adult, or £5 whatever is the least, per village webpage

 Non profit event, no charity status

Whatever the cost of admission is for one adult, or £10, whatever is the least, per village webpage


Type of submission

Cost £
This column relates to submissions to the village webpages other than the one in which the event is occuring

Charitable event with free entry to the public. Charity Number required.


Charitable event with entry fee to the public. Charity Number required

What ever the cost of admission is for one adult, or £5 whatever is the least, per village webpage

 Non profit event, no charity status

Whatever the cost of admission is for one adult, or £10, whatever is the least, per village webpage