Floods - repost as I forgot the link last week!
With the heavy rain this morning I decicded to update the Village Websiite with some photos and video of the flooding in recent years. See this page on the Village Website
CSG Conservation Area Committee - Update
The Chalfont St. Giles Conservation Area Committee Annual General Meeting will be held in the Reading Room at 8pm Tuesday 11th March 2025. This will be followed by a presentation by visiting guest speaker Timothy Hall on the subject “Winchcombe Green Town - A Community Sustainability Initiative in Action!”. All interested parties are most welcome to attend!"
Another chance to join the Lottery
Download a PDF application form here.
We have so much to do in 2025. But we can't do it without you.
In 2024, our centenary year, we achieved a great deal thanks to our loyal supporters and users. Ensuring the Hall's facilities are as up-to-date as possible while keeping hiring costs competitive is key to our long-term survival. Last year we changed the kitchen equipment to all-electric. This cost over £4,000 but it is now much easier and safer to use. We also redecorated the Hall and the kitchen. In 2025 we need to upgrade the Hall's audiovisual equipment. (Completed this week! Ed). We have grants from the Bucks Building Society, the Parish Council and the Bucks Community Board, but we will need to dip into our reserves to complete this project. Another major task is to replace the wooden sleepers that keep the earth bank from slipping onto the path at the back of the Hall.
And, of course, we have to find £10K+ for the year's energy bills and general maintenance. As always, we will do our best but, of course, we can't do it without you.
At least two prizes of £50 guaranteed in our first draw on March 26th 2025
The monthly lottery costs £12 for the year. That works out at a mere 3.2p a day, with the chance of winning a cash prize every month. Once again we'll be giving away around 20% of the pot. Last year we sold 356 tickets and awarded 60 prizes totalling £1119. In any case, we guarantee two prizes of £50 in our first draw on March 26th 2025. We'd like to give away even more. And we can if more people play. We appreciate times are hard, but please could you buy an extra ticket this year?
It's so easy to join... Your name is already on the form. Pay by cheque or bank transfer.
Decide how many tickets you want and return the form to us. Please make cheques payable to: Chalfont St Giles Memorial Hall. To pay by bank transfer, please see below. If you have any queries, call Tony Hoare on 01494 872883. We will send your tickets as soon as possible. As long as we receive your application by March 26th 2025, you will be in the March draw. Don’t worry if your lottery number arrives after that date.
Charitable Incorporated Organisation No.1163859
at the Memorial Hall, School Lane, Chalfont St. Giles HP8 4JJ
TUESDAY, 18 TH MARCH 2025 AT 7.30 P.M.
In recent years, the Hall’s trustees have devoted much thought and money towards ensuring that the Memorial Hall will continue to be able to meet the various long-term needs of residents of Chalfont St. Giles: we have been encouraged by the support
received from local organisations and residents.
You are invited to the AGM to hear about the improvements we have made last year and plans we are considering for 2025.
If you wish to propose a motion for discussion at the AGM, please advise the Hon. Secretary by Tuesday, 11 th March 2025.
Kenneth Huxham (Hon. Secretary) email: k.huxham@btinternet.com
tel. 01494 872107
Funding Applications for CSG Organisations are open
The Chalfont St Giles show committee have agreed to set aside some funds for local groups/causes despite having party instead of a show last year. Please note that the deadline for applications is 21st March 2025. Use this link to apply. A google account will be required to log in and complete the questionaire.
Chalfont St. Giles Conservation Area Committee
"The Chalfont St. Giles Conservation Area Committee Annual General Meeting will be held in the Reading Room at 8pm Tuesday 11th March 2025. This will be followed by a presentation by a visiting guest speaker, full details to follow. All interested parties are most welcome to attend!"